TEAM for NDIS Participants
TEAM for NDIS Participants aims to build the capacity of people with a disability to know what they want and need, so they can direct their own planning and achieve their personal goals.
For many thousands of people with a disability, the NDIS has meant the difference between a lifetime of limited options and over-dependence on others, and a lifetime of unlimited opportunity and genuine self-determination.
In our experience, people who get the best out of the NDIS tend to be people who have a clear plan for, and a strong commitment to, getting the best out of themselves.
Delivered on-line in 6 x 2 hour small group sessions, TEAM will help you:
The Six Powers of Self Advocacy
Self Expression,
Self Determination,
Self-Esteem (better known as PRIDE!
Your rights
As an Australian citizen,
An NDIS participant
A service-user
Your own decisions,
Set your own goals
Make your own plan.
Session 1
Rights and Responsibilities
Knowing your rights and responsibilities
As a human being, an Australian citizen, a service-user and an NDIS participant.
Speaking up for your rights and living up to your responsibilities
As a friend, a neighbour, an employee, a voter, and as a valued member of the community*
* These sessions can be tailored for particular purposes e.g. rights and responsibilities as a sibling, a parent, a forensics service user, etc.
Session 2
Personal Power
Having the power to lead your own life
As a proud and confident individual, and as a responsible adult
Knowing how you feel, what you think and what you want
As a person with needs and desires, and with goals and dreams
Understanding yourself
As a person who is constantly learning, growing and trying to lead your own life.
Session 3, 4, 5
The Six Power Levels
Understanding the SIx Power Batteries
Self Expression
Self Determination
Self Reliance
Self Confidence
Self Development
Self Esteem
Develop your own Empowerment Plan
Each course features:
Role model guest speakers
Facilitated discussion
Brainstorming of strategies for building self advocacy strengths and skills.
Clarification of areas in which you need and/ or want assistance or support.
Session 6
The TEAM Personal Plan
Each participant is supported to develop their own empowerment plan, which they might then use to:
Help guide their journey towards independence
Build confident decision-making
Identify safety issues and concerns*
Clarify what supports the person might need or want to assist their decision-making
Advise others of their will and wishes (where requested)
Contribute to their NDIS planning process
* While TEAM presenters will avoid discussion of specific issues that might be 'triggering' to some participants, we will link appropriately to 1800 Respect and other services where required. We also request that if support workers are aware of sensitivities, that consideration be given to ensuring support is available to participants as they engage in the course.
And after the 6 sessions have finished, TEAM will provide you with:
A TEAM Personal Plan to guide you on your way.
An invitation to join a monthly TEAM Community of Practice, where you will find allies and supporters for your journey towards independence.
The average individual cost is $275 per session, which includes all materials, non-face-to-face support, and the course itself. Typically running over six sessions, an estimated total is $1,650.
These costs may be covered by your NDIS plan, as TEAM is designed to help you achieve your NDIS goals.
TEAM can be funded under a few different line items – so please include relevant information in the NDIS Participant Request Form below, or by emailing to discuss your specific needs.
TEAM is not a registered NDIS provider, so we can only provide training for self or plan managed NDIS participants.
TEAM and Your NDIS Plan - What You Need to Know.
Essential information for NDIS participants and their allies.